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1st Winner of “Lomba Cerdas Tangkas Matematika” (LCTM) 2024 and achieving the Overall Champs of Mathematics Competition “Gebyar Matematika Ke -39”, for Junior High School Level, FPS UGJ Cirebon!!
Lab Kimia Uprak2
Gym Room
Qualifying to the “Olimpiade Sains Nasional 2024” (OSN) National Level in Mathematics for Junior High School
qualifying for the top 15th (Bronze Medal) JHS level of 34th National Mathematic Competition (LMNas) at Gadjah Mada University
Getting Silver Medal in Mathematics at the Junior High School National Science Olympiad (OSN), held from August 5th to 11th, 2024.

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Pengunjung Online:5
Hits Hari Ini:357
Total Hits:125405
Pengunjung Hari Ini:202
Total Pengunjung:51533

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