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School Health Room
2nd Winner of English Story Telling Competition, E-CON “Exploring the potential and creativity of Gen Z”, National English Contest for Junior High School Level IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, 2024
The 3rd place of Pancasakti Mathematics Competition XIV - Junior High School Level in Pancasakti University, Tegal, February 24th, 2024.
Top 4 of Maranatha Christian University Bebras Challenge 2023 for ’Penggalang’ Category, with the score of 85.33
The 1st Winner of Mathematics Competition (LSM-XXXII) in Junior High School Category for National Level, UNY 2024
The most Active Readers in PENABUR CIREBON READING CHALLENGE (PCRC) #2 held on November 20th up to December 8th, 2023

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Pengunjung Online:33
Hits Hari Ini:288
Total Hits:107398
Pengunjung Hari Ini:165
Total Pengunjung:42159

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