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Galeri Foto

2nd Winner of English Story Telling Competition, E-CON “Exploring the potential and creativity of Gen Z”, National English Contest for Junior High School Level IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, 2024
Getting Gold Medal in Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) 2024
TOP 4 in Brilliant Competition XVI 2024 Mathematics and Science‘Ignite your Brilliant Potential’ for Junior High School Level!
The most Active Readers in PENABUR CIREBON READING CHALLENGE (PCRC) #2 held on November 20th up to December 8th, 2023
Top 4 of Maranatha Christian University Bebras Challenge 2023 for ’Penggalang’ Category, with the score of 85.33
Getting Silver Medal in Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) 2024

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Pengunjung Online:13
Hits Hari Ini:246
Total Hits:107356
Pengunjung Hari Ini:146
Total Pengunjung:42140

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