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Dance Room
Qualifying to the “Olimpiade Sains Nasional 2024” (OSN) Provincial Level in Mathematics Subject for Junior High School
Top 5 of Maranatha Christian University Bebras Challenge 2023 for ’Penggalang’ Category, with the score of 85.00
Qualifying to the “Olimpiade Sains Nasional 2024” (OSN) National Level in Mathematics for Junior High School
The most Active Readers in PENABUR CIREBON READING CHALLENGE (PCRC) #2 held on November 20th up to December 8th, 2023
qualifying for the top 15th (Bronze Medal) JHS level of 34th National Mathematic Competition (LMNas) at Gadjah Mada University

Statistik Kunjungan

Pengunjung Online:5
Hits Hari Ini:804
Total Hits:136314
Pengunjung Hari Ini:288
Total Pengunjung:57243

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