Announcement of the result of study for SENIOR HIGH has been done on March 19th, 2021 and for JUNIOR HIGH on April 23th, 2021. This activity was followed by a graduation conducted on June 10, 2021 started at 5.00 pm to at arround 7.00 pm. There was something different and unique in this graduation. It was related to social distancing requirement by the government so that Graduation SMP/SMA KRISTEN PLUS PENABUR Cirebon was done in Hybrid system, both onsite and online.
Students accompanied by their parents come to school. They stayed in the car and watched the series of events on stage and on the LED screens that had been installed. Graduation was began with a sermon by Pastor Stefanus Triyuwono from GKI Tasikmalaya. At the time of awarding medals and handing over souvenirs, students were asked to get out of the car and go to the stage.
"We do Hybrid graduation with the Zoom application. With this method students are expected to participate more and they really feel a graduation. "said Ms. Lintang as the Chairperson of Hybrid Graduation 2021.
"Very impressive, and maybe the first experience in our life. It was really touching”, said Arlo, one of Grade 12 graduates.
Congratulations to the graduates. Thanks to parents who have entrusted their sons and daughters to study at SMPK/SMAK PLUS PENABUR Cirebon. Thank you also to the teachers and staff who have worked hard to provide good teaching and learning during pandemic.
Solideo Gloria.